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Learn how to play one of the best sports in the world

With the Bruisers Pathway to Rugby program, over six weeks, we'll teach you how to play competitive rugby union. We'll take you from knowing nothing to being able to find your place in one of our rugby union teams. 


Rugby Union is a 15-a-side, full-contact game played around the world. Come play a great game and make friends for life.

This video from English Rugby gives you a quick overview

of how to play Rugby Union.

Rugby intro and ball handling

Introduction to the team and the game of rugby. Getting a feel for a rugby ball and how to pass and catch it.




The program starts on Tuesday xx September at 7pm and runs every Tuesday at: 


Neue Krugallee 219, 12437 Berlin


  • Can I come along if I've never played rugby before?
    Absolutely. The Intro to Rugby sessions are for everyone, regardless of experience, ability, body type, sexual orientation or gender identity. We believe rugby is a game for all and the purpose of these sessions is to introduce you to the team and the game we love.
  • What do I need to bring?
    The most important things is a can-do attitude. However, we'd also suggest some good running shoes (we're not expecting you to have rugby boots quite yet), a bottle of water, snacks in case you get hungry and a hand towel in case you get sweaty. Templehofer Feld can get quite muddy so we suggest you don't bring anything you don't want to get dirty.
  • Do I need a mouthguard?
    Rugby can be played in many different ways. During the Intro To Rugby sessions we play touch rugby, which is low contact. That means you won’t be tackled. After the Intro to Rugby, you can join our league teams (Men's* and FLINTA*), which do full contact tackling and require a mouthguard or our touch Rugby Team (for all Genders) which does not.
  • Do I need specific insurance to play rugby?
    The Bruisers are insured through the Landessportbund (Haftpflichtversicherung und Unfallversicherung), but this only for serious injuries. For all other injuries, you have to have your own German health insurance. Taking part in rugby is something you do at your own risk, so you should take any additional precautions you feel suit your own personal needs.

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